Current News

Labour to reintroduce tobacco ban

The new government will go ahead with the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, which would ban anyone born after January 2009 from buying cigarettes, reports...

25% of the EU population smokes

Nearly a quarter (24 per cent) of the population in the European Union smoke, according to a new survey ordered by the European Commission, reports Euronews...

Philip Morris to expand Zyn production

Philip Morris International has announced that it will invest USD 600 million to open a new manufacturing facility in Colorado to produce its Zyn nicotine...


Cabinet approves draft regulation

The Thai Cabinet has approved a draft ministerial regulation on tobacco product components and combustion byproducts, reports the Pattaya Mail.

The regulation, which was proposed by the Ministry of Public Health, means that...

KT&G and KTI join forces

KT&G Corporation (KT&G) and KT International (KTI) have announced they have entered into an exclusive manufacturing license agreement for the...

Tobacco products to be hidden from view

Belgium’s Federal Public Health Service (FPS) has announced a new regulation that will stop shops from openly displaying tobacco products, reports EuroWeekly...


Law on indexation of tobacco excises approved

The State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, has passed the law on tobacco tax indexation in its third and final reading, reports TASS.
Excise duties will be adjusted upwards by the inflation rate, Deputy Finance...

FDA improves online database

The centralized database now offers tobacco and vape retailers additional search parameters and will be updated monthly to reflect the latest compliance...

Health experts call for revival of smoking ban

Labour has been urged to include the smoking ban when it announces its legislative programme in the King’s Speech, reports The Standard.

The Tobacco and...

Smoking rate declines

In 2022, the smoking rate in Switzerland was 24 per cent, according to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), reports Le News.
This percentage is 3 percentage...

Minimum smoking age to rise to 21

A new Bill introduced in the Dáil will see the minimum legal age for smoking rise from 18 to 21 in Ireland from February 2028, reports The Irish...

JTI Ukraine invests USD 60 million

JTI Ukraine will invest about USD 60 million in the Ukrainian economy over the next three years, reports New Voice.
The new investment is associated with the...

PMI accused of ‘manipulating science’

Philip Morris International has been accused of “manipulating science for profit” by funding research and advocacy work with scientists, reports The...

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